October 22, 2008

Halo Marine Armor: T-Shirt Logo

I completed my vectorized version of the UNSC logo for my marine armor for the video game Halo: Combat Evolved.

I am currently recieving help from the 405th, the premiere Halo costuming community, to get everything all put together.

The armor requires several items... hat/helmet, BDUs, this T-Shirt, as well as several different armor pieces which I will have to arrange.

Stay tuned for more updates, and photos!



Image hand-vectored in InkScape. None of that bitmap tracing nonsense! :)


Anonymous said...

It's really neat. So how is this related to the game, may I ask? It's because I'm a total dork and not video gamer, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Reflection T-Shirt Company is a new company that lets you create designs for t-shirts. Its pretty fun, check it out! http://www.reflectionshirts.com