February 6, 2009

Comic Creation Guide...

I am currently in the process of creating a guide that will instruct beginners on how to create comics and cartoon strips. The surprising part is, I have found quite a bit of support in the project. I am currently working with several cartoonists and students in order to provide a comprehensive, online guide that will allow other, aspiring artists to begin their work and get it out to the public.

Current artists participating:
N. Rackley - Amateur Cartoonist - Lakewood
David Davis - Semi-Professional Cartoonist, Professional Comic Writer - Cosmic Dash, Warped
Howard Tayler - Professional Cartoonist - Schlock Mercenary

"Student" participants:
James - Writer
Jonathan - Photographer
James Hertz - Writer, Machinima Director

David Davis is also rounding up a couple of other people to help out with some sample illustrations from among the Scienteers. The Scienteers will be sponsoring and distributing my column. We have also agreed to allow an edition of the podcast form of these columns to be distributed through the Scienteer sister site, ComicDish's weekly cartooning podcast, The Dish.

Links to specific artist pages and their comics will be added promptly.

Special Note: Cartoonists rock. I sent out the requests to use sample material, and most responded within the day.

Anyways, stay tuned for future updates!



1 comment:

Erick Reilly said...

I'm looking forward to it!